Welcome to the official website for The Awei Series! Or better known as Wander, the first book in the series. Here you can browse book news, events, blog-posts, and learn more about the world of Awei. The site is overseen by Allison Stalberg, the author of the series. She is happy to answer questions through The Awei Series’ Facebook page or through email. Thank you for your visit!

Check out the series’ first book here.


The Awei Series is a dark fantasy book series written by North Carolinian author, Allison Stalberg. Currently only book one, Wander, is out but more books are planned in the future. Until then, please enjoy browsing the blog and website to learn more about the series.


The Birth of Awei

For me, places are just as important as characters. When I presented on creative writing in Bolivia for Partners of the Americas, I created an activity for everyone in the room to describe their home town if their home town was a fictional character. Would it be a man, woman, child, or animal? What were …


Have questions or just want to talk about Awei?

To contact Allison Stalberg, email her at theaweiseries@gmail.com